It's rare anymore that one has a completely new idea in this day and age. I should know, I've fought in the blogging trenches for a while now. Just one voice among many trying do something that people will actually like.
That's when this idea came around. People like porn. I like porn. I write almost compulsively. I would have to learn how to type one-handed, but fuck it! I could write about porn.
I did a quick search. Nobody was sitting around making smart-ass comments about porn. Or, hell, just talking about porn. Regularly. Watchin a porn and talking about it, as if it were a normal movie where people aren't playing with their genitals.
So that's what this is.
Think of it as a 'Rotten Tomatoes' except for skin flicks.

Like the sign said outside the door, this website is for adults only. If you're not eighteen, bugger off because you probably won't even like this anyway. There is no porn here... well a few pictures maybe, but not always the sexiest pictures. That's the thing, porn isn't always sexy. It's suppose to be, but it isn't all the time. Sometimes it's just bizzare. Sometimes it's downright frightening. Sometimes it's funny, dorky or just stupid. It can be filthy, dirty or just gross. It's naughty, you're not suppose to watch it. You're not supposed to like it, but we do. Look at the Internet, it's full of it and it's not becasause five or six discusting people are filling the world with it. It exists because people like it.
But we just don't talk about it.

You're not suppose to talk about it, are you? Not really, not a lot. Not suppose to talk about a really good anal scene or a huge load sprayed on someone's face. You can't talk about that moment where the dude tries to put his dick up a girl's ass and ends up crushing his Johnson in a hilarious display of misaming. You can't talk about a pornstar's cute smirk as she tells a dirty joke while being fucked.
Well, I wanna talk about it.
So let's talk. About porn.
It's okay.